Mahayogi Swami Umananda Saraswati (31 Dec, 1916 - 1 March 1984) born Kashi Thosar, was a modern Yoga Guru who initiated thousands into Gurubhakti Yoga or Kundalini Yoga. Swami Umananda belonged to the ancient Datta Guru tradition revived once again by none other than the great Avadhoot Bhagwan Nityananda of Ganeshpuri and nurtured further by his disciple, the Siddha Yoga Master, Gurudev Muktananda of Ganeshpuri. In honorific style she was often called Swami Umananda. Gurudev Muktananda called her Kusumtai or Tai in a familiar way. She was lovingly called Tai, meaning elder sister.
Baba Muktananda told Swami Umananda to stay in Mumbai. Thereafter, she set up Shree Gurudev Dhyan Mandir at Andheri in Mumbai, the busiest cosmopolitan city of India. Thus the Siddha Yoga lineage of Nityananda, Muktananda and Umananda appeared in Mumbai and blessed thousands on the path of Siddha Yoga.
Swami Umananda is a modern Guru in the awakening of Kundalini Shakti. Tai often said “The Guru is what Guru does”, ‘दीक्षा देणे साधुजना’ . Her mission is to awaken in aspirants the Kundalini Shakti, which is the divine consciousness, by means of Shaktipat Diksha and further their spiritual development. Shaktipat Diksha is a subtle spiritual process where the Guru transmits divine spiritual energy into the aspirant either by touch, look, word or thought. This is also known as the awakening of Kundalini Shakti, or diksha or initiation with the special blessings from the Guru. It marks the advent of spiritual awareness in the disciple.
A true Guru not only awakens the sleeping Kundalini but also channels the creative energy properly. With this awakened Shakti the aspirant comes across wonderful spiritual experiences. Being blessed by the Guru, he also develops a sense of well-being and is able to meditate better. His attitude towards life undergoes a change. There is a spontaneous feeling of peace with himself and the world. He feels the presence of the divine grace of the Guru around him, protecting and guiding him. His family life improves and he is able to sort out difficulties easily.
This sadhana at the feet of the Guru is known as Siddha Yoga of Gurukripankit गुरूकृपांकीत Yoga, that is, Yoga practiced after receiving grace from a perfect Master or the perfect Guru. Swami Umananda prefers to call this Yoga the Gurukripankit Yoga, the secret yogic practice of Siddha Guru’s grace. The secret of Gurukripankit Yoga lies in its naturalness and spontaneity. It does not involve severe austerities, nor does it involve painful yogic austerities, asceticism, repression or arduous exercises. Nothing is imposed from the outside. All the experiences result from inner inspiration or the workings of the Guru’s grace.
जनी सर्व सूखी असा कोण आहे। विचारे गुरुभक्तमना तूंची शोधुनि पाहे ॥ गुरुभक्तमना त्वांचि रे पूर्व संचीत केले। तया सारिखे भोगणें प्राप्त झालें ॥ |
श्रुति-स्मृती अविज्ञाय.. |
यत्रैव तिष्ठते सोऽपि, स देशः पुण्यभाजनम् । मुक्तस्य लक्षणं देवि, तवाग्रे कथितं मया ॥ |