Strong ego or insolent pride is due to ignorance of Guru. This ego asserts it self because it is ignorant about Him and the self. -- souvenir, 1979



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“योगपूर्ण तपोमूर्ति, प्रेमपूर्ण सुद्शनम्‌।
ज्ञानपूर्ण कृपामूर्ति, उमानन्दं नमाम्यहम्‌॥”

Journey of
(born on 31st December 1916 in village Sutala, near Khamgaon, Nagpur, in Maharashtra,India) started as a learned housewife handling household duties fully while carrying out spiritual sadhana as well as teaching the neighbourhood various spiritual scriptures. Swami's life journey is a golden combination of motherhood (Matrutva), chastity (Pativratya) and master hood (Gurutva). This combination has drawn many families to Swamiji. Swami Umanand is popularly known as “Tai” amongst the devotees.
On advice from Shree Mamasaheb Dandekar, Swamiji started the study of Shri Jnaneshwari and later on from 1961 Swami studied Vedanta from Swami Chinmayananda. In 1968 at the age of 52 Swami met Gurudev Muktanand Baba of Ganeshpuri and Swami's search for a spiritual master (Guru) came to end. Gurudev Muktanand Baba initiated (Diksha) and guided Swami on the path of Guru-devotion (Guru-Bhakti-Yoga). Very soon Swami Umanand mastered the technique of Guru-devotion and experienced highest bliss in this path of  Yoga. The story of Swamiji's life  is a glorious book of success achieved as a result of incessant efforts, perseverance, strenuous penance (tapas), extreme dispassion and extraordinary devotion to her Guru. Swami Umanand was adept at awakening of Kundalini, enabling seekers to embark on the journey of Self-realisation. Later Swami Umanand developed an independant spiritual world. 
Swami Umanand's Guru, Gurudev  Muktanand Baba authorised Swamiji, then known as Shri Kusumeshwari to grant Kundalini initiation (Kundalini Jagaran diksha) to the aspiring devotees. Thereafter Swami Umanand Saraswati started the spiritual mission in a full-fledged manner, in Shree Gurudev Dhyan Mandir at Andheri Mumbai, India in 1975, by establishing Shree Gurudev Dhyan Mandir Trust. Swamiji also started Shri Kusumeshwari  Prakashan to publish spiritual books.Gurudev Muktanand Baba spoke very highly about Swami Umanand, “She is going to be a Guru of a very high Standard. The power of Nityanand is working through her.”  On May 15th 1978 Gurudev Muktanand Baba ordained Swami Umanand in the order of sanyas. Kusumeshwari now became Swami Umanand Sarawati.
Swami Umanand's own example proved that the real Guru gets the sadhana done from devotees. Swami Umanand took efforts to develop devotees through study (Jnan), spiritual practice (Sadhana), service to Guru (Seva) and devotion (Bhakti) by awakening their  Kundalini (Kundalini Jagaran Diksha). Swami developed practice for meditation and inculcated the liking for it amongst the devotees. To bring awareness about it Swami organized a number of spiritual workshops at many places in India. Also  Swami Umanand gave discourses on subjects like  Shri Jnaneshwari, Kashmir Shaivism, Amrutanubhav, Vaicharik Kranti and many other subjects related to Guru-Bhakti-Yoga.
True to the name - Umanand Saraswati, 'joy of Knowledge of the Self;'  given by Gurudev Muktanand Baba - Swami Umanand prepared devotees to study Shri Jnaneshwari, Shri Gurugeeta, Shri Gurucharitra the famous and important, pious books to develop devotion to Guru. For this Swami wrote books namely, Shri  Jnaneshwari As Understood, Shri Gurucharitra Bodheshwari and Shri Gurugeeta Artheshwari. All these books are in commentary form, in fine lucid language based on experience and wisdom of Swami Umanand Saraswati.  Swami Umanand made devotees, even the younger ones study knowledge of the Self (Brahmavidya). Swami has set an example to the world by showing  that the worldly life (Prapanch) and the spiritual life (Paramarth) are two sides of the same coin and the highest position in spiritual life can be attained by getting detached from the worldly life.
Due to utter devotion to Guru, Swami Umanand became one with Lord Shiva. Lord Shiva is recognized by the presence of Shikha(Crown like structure of hair turned naturally upwards). Similiarly Swamiji's hair also started turning upwards defying gravity and in a short time formed into Shikha. Thus Swami Umanand Saraswati became Mahayogi. This yogic phenomenon is explained in the sixth chapter of Jnaneshwari. It was an unbelievable divine spiritual phenomenon that was witnessed by the devotees. 
The path of Guru-Bhakti-Yoga established by Swami Umanand is only for those who surrender to the Guru and have desire for spiritual progress through Devotion (Bhakti) and Knowledge (Jnani Bhakti). Hence the path is not for those who aim for only worldly fulfillments. Instead of that, Swami taught devotees to progress in spiritual life (Paramarth) through worldly life (Prapanch).
Shree Gurudev Ashram, Samadhi Temple of Mahayogi Swami Umananda Saraswati - Nashik
Mahayogi Swami Umanand Saraswati attained Mahasamadhi on 1st March 1985. As per Swami's directions, the Samadhi Mandir was built at Nashik in Maharashtra, India. Swami's Life-size statues are installed at both places  i.e.,  Mumbai and Nashik. Swami has not appointed any successor. The organisation functions through devotees with Swami's divine power

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