स्वसुखाचा विचार मनांतहीं न येणाराच गुरुभक्त. गुरुची आज्ञाकांटेकोरपणे, स्वतःचे मत व मन बाजूला सारून पाळणे हीच गुरुसेवा. गुरुच्या मता प्रमाणे वागले कीं गुरुचें मन सांभाळले जातेच. स्वतःच्या मनाचे ओझे मनावर ठेवणारा गुरुकार्यात यशस्वी होत नाहीं गुरुवर भार घालून त्याच्या मार्गदर्शनाखालीच गुरुचें कार्य करावे. -- श्री गुरुचरित्र बोधेश्वरी

Audio Gallery

Spiritual discourse, pravachan, holds a very special place among the devotees of Mahayogi Swami Umananda Saraswati. Gurudev Umananda, started giving pravachana to a group of women seekers ‘Jnaneshwar Satsang Mandal’ on various aspects of the Gita and the Vedanta and there after Shree Jnaneshwari, the textbook of Gurubhakti yoga according to Muktanand Baba.

Gurudev umananda had such a command on Jnaneshwari that H.H. Muktananda Baba considered Gurudev Umananda, an authority on the Jnaneshwari. He had publicly said that if one had to hear discourse on the Jnaneshwari, one should hear it from Tai. (Baba called Gurudev Umananda Tai, and so did everyone else)

The beauty of listening to spiritual discourse from a Guru and a Mahayogi like Tai is that such a Guru is soaked in divinity, has turned into divinity itself. Gurudev’s Vani, the speech itself has the power to transform and influence even the life of an average seeker. The ParaVani, the Divine Speech of Guru, has the power to transfer the sacred knowledge about Guru, which is hidden from the common man. The most important thing is that it has the power to awaken Kundalini Shakti in the seeker.

Gurudev Umananda has delivered pravachana on various subjects related to Siddha Yoga / Guru bhakti yoga
1. Jnaneshwari (276 pravachana)
2. Vagishwari Bhaktiyog (64 pravachana)
3. Kashmir Shaivism (137 pravachana)
4. Siddhayogeshwari (16 pravachana)
5. Vaicharik Kranti (47 pravachana)
6. Siddha Yoga (16 pravachana)
7. Amrutanubhav (137 pravachana)

Audio Gallery


11 Feb 2025

Wageshwari Bhaktiyog

24 Feb 2019


24 Feb 2019

Kashmir Shaivism

24 Feb 2019

Vaicharik Kranti

11 Feb 2025


11 Feb 2025


11 Feb 2025


24 Feb 2019

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