These discourses are based on H.H. Swami Umanand’s Guru H.H.Mukatananda Baba’s Teachings.
Here we learn about Siddhayoga and Gurubhakti Yoga through many real life stories, tales, instances and anecdotes. These enhance and fix the seeker’s devotion and faith in Guru.
Gurudev Tai studied the literature by her Guru on yoga, devotion and knowledge. The discourses are on varied topics such as Yoga of Meditation, Contemplation, Yoga of Knowledge in Vedanta, Yoga of Devotion in Vedanta, the power of mind and its work, Karma and Guru’s grace, Guru’s protection for his devotee, The right chanting of Gurugeeta. These discourses also include the topics such as the Rudrasukta, Glory of Rudraksh, H.H. Nityananad Baba’s biography, Lalleshwari and many more.
Through these discourses Gurudev Tai builds a strong foundation of Gurubhakti Yoga, thus creating an abiding trust and devotion towards the Guru in the devotee’s mind. The discourses are a treasure full of spiritual principles and knowledge.
The discourses by Gurudev Tai were made available to us by the Guru’s Grace, and the Grace of Gurudev Muktananda and Bhagwan Nityananda.